This Is An Alarm For a Damaged Liver. Don’t Ignore!

The liver’s main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs.

As it does so, the liver secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines. The liver is pretty much of a big deal, isn’t it?

However, this organ can suffer from about hindered of diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver etc.
Here are some signals you shouldn’t ignore from your body alarming that your liver is not working properly.
Lack of appetite

Because bile isn’t produces enough, the food can’t be processed properly, especially the fats from the food. That’s why you don’t feel hungry as regular
Weakness and fatigue

Constantly feeling tired is a very common symptom associated with many other diseases. But due to the increased toxins in the blood, which can also happen because of disfunction in some other organ, your brain isn’t getting enough “good” blood, full with oxygen. Always consider this symptom along with others and never alone when you diagnose yourself with liver issues
Digestion problems

We mentioned that food can’t be processed regularly, especially the fats from the food. You could sense diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome, especially when you eat fatty foods and seeds, such as nuts and sunflower seeds. If this is becoming a serious problem for you, consult your doctor for a preventive therapy

A yellow pigmentations of the tongue, fingertips and eyes is called jaundice. It is a result of the increased bilirubin in the blood, as well as the body tissue. Jaundice is also a symptom of bladder problems as well as pancreas, so you should definitely consult your doctor if you have this symptom.

Fluid retention

Fluid retention, especially in the ankles and feet is also an early symptom od irregular work of the liver. It is similar to ascites, but the difference is that the fluids are building up in the lower extremities. This can also happen because of hormonal disbalance, but it’s more typical for the women population.

Diarrhea, constipation or intestinal bleedings – because the liver creates clotting factors, the lack of those is bleeding of the intestines.
The color of you stool is different

Because of lack of bile, the color of the stool also changes and it mostly becomes paler and lightly colored. If this happens from time to time, it might be a result of what you have eaten that day, but if it’s regular, then it’s a sure sign of liver malfunctioning.
Alterations in the urine color

Dehydration can lead to a darker urine, but if you consider that you drink enough fluids, especially water and still have dark urine, you might have problems with your liver. Again, it’s the bilirubin that is elevated because the liver can’t get rid of it through the kidneys.
Upset stomach

This is a very common symptom with almost every abdominal disease, flu and so on. But if this is followed with nausea and vomiting, migraines, vertigo – it just might be your liver.

There are many other symptoms showing that your liver is not working at its full capacity. An improperly functioning liver can also cause disbalance in se* hormones (man develop breasts or women develop extra hair on parts of the body), increase of decrease in libido etc. when diagnosing yourself with something, however, you should always look at all the symptoms and definitely ask a second opinion from a doctor od medical person.